Re-Certification as a Sustainable Resource Management Professional

Re-Certification: Easy, affordable, valuable.
You're a holder of one of the most important professional certifications in the world of Zero Waste & the Circular Economy. Have you been a CSRMP for more than 3 years?
If the answer is YES, then it's time to re-certify as a Sustainable Resource Management professional via GreenEducation.US.
To keep pace with changing regulations and technologies, CSRMP certificate holders must apply for
re-certification every 3 years and pay the required fee.
Re-certification is valid for 3, years provided that the certificate holder meets re-certification requirements and submits required documentation to GreenEducation.US according to current policies and procedures.
What's Required to Re-Certify? Ten hours per year or 30 hours over a 3-year period of additional training:
Nine Hours: Classes from GEUS or approved curriculum from partner organizations that includes application of new skills. Coursework should provide up-to-date sustainable resource management content on topics like legislation, programs, how-tos, and/or best practices.
The remainder of hours may be filled through a variety of learning opportunities and methods, including:
GreenEducation.US anticipates a wide variety of low to no-cost opportunities for certificate holders to gain re-certification credits by attending local events. Organizations that provide education and training that may count towards re-certification include:
California Product Stewardship Council
Green Building Council International
California Resource Recycling Association
Zero Waste USA
Northern California Recycling Association
Other organizations approved upon request.
Live webinars or recorded informational content from qualified organizations
Industry topical meetings and panel discussions
Conferences and workshops focused on resource management
Chapter meetings of qualifying organizations
Other events providing content is information-based
​* Presentations that are primarily directed towards sales & marketing or social events will not qualify*
Re-certification requirements must be completed within a 3-year period after initial certification and every 3 years thereafter. Certificates not renewed within the 3-year period will expire. To re-certify after expiration, contact GreenEducation.US.
Re-Certification Fees. Re-certification within 3 years of initial certification or renewal: $295.